Insider Truth About Big-Pharma & Big-Food w/ Calley Means | AMP # 461

By Aubrey Marcus May 03, 2024

Insider Truth About Big-Pharma & Big-Food w/ Calley Means | AMP # 461

In this eye-opening, paradigm shattering podcast, we dive deep into the murky waters of the healthcare and food industries with insider revelations that may leave you shocked and certainly  much more well informed. Calley Means, a Big-Pharma insider turned whistleblower, uncovers the startling truth behind why we’re the sickest we’ve ever been and how we can reclaim control over our health.

From the sinister collaboration between Big Food and Pharma to the alarming incentives driving the trillion-dollar industry against our well-being, this podcast episode pulls no punches in exposing the ruthless profit game played at the expense of our health. Calley shares firsthand accounts and expert insights, revealing how we're being poisoned by the very systems meant to keep us healthy. This isn't just about statistics or theories; it's a wake-up call, a call to action, and a rallying cry against the forces conspiring to keep us sick.

NB: Apologies about some video difficulties during the recording of the podcast.